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Monday, April 30, 2012


Sleep Too Much
Sleep is one of the most important part of healthy living.  The more you sleep the better.  Sleeping less will usually bring about health problems.  Oversleeping will also bring forth problems with health as well.  When a baby is born it needs the most sleep time for it to be able to grow strong and healthy.  In today's modern world there are not enough hours in the day to satisfy work, play and rest.  When you do more work, play and rest suffer. For me to be able to function properly, I would between six and eight hours of sleep.
Not Enough Time In The Day.
Many times at work the boss would ask you to work overtime. This is good because you pick extra money on you paycheck.  There are times where he trade off between overtime and actual time can be taxing to your  health.
Resting Comfortably.
There are times I run into people and they say they do not need the sleep.  Other times I see the same people and they are "sick as a dog."  Lack of rest makes a person sluggish and irritable  and possibly more susceptible to a slew of illnesses.  Your body needs energy to be able to fight an attack from any bacteria.  A tired person is more apt to catch any and all bacterial invasions.
A well rested person is ready to tackle most anything that they are put to task.  The muscles in the body are energized and ready for maximum output.  Life is very complicated with our everyday dealings and this is why we sleep. Our brain will be able  to make sound decisions.  When we tax our bodies more and sleep less they will begin to break down.  A person that allots less time for sleep then there is a possibility that their lifespan will be much shorter that of a person that is fully rested.

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