The economy has created a people that are always looking to get something for free. When a person becomes your client, it is done so with anterior motives. A person makes a deal with you with the premise that you will overlook something and they in turn will complain a look to get reparation for damages the got elsewhere.
Life is not the same as it used to be when the generations before us were growing up. People are less honest than they used to be. Today we need cameras, security procedures, warning signs, security guards and dogs to keep everybody honest. A few years I recall taking some one to court for unpaid rent. It turned out that I won the case. At a point during the trial the tenant was making accusations and the case was flowing and suddenly the judge stops and turns to the tenant and says "Sir, I want you to stop because I am not going to call you a liar but the facts show that you are not telling the truth".
Up until now, I have seen people try to crash events for free meals and drinks, in hotel and restaurants. I have seen people walk into clothing store and leave dressed to the nines without paying. I have witnessed people trying to get their vehicle repaired for damages that did not occur on premises. Deceit is the way of today. Folks today think that they are entitled to the world because of their ways.
People think that everything belongs to them no matter what or how they are going to achieve them. The fact that we are born and living in this world does n to mean that everything is ours. To acquire anything people have to work and earn it. What the people of the new generations have to learn is that nothing is free and rightfully should not be.
For the world economies to function in a balance things should be bought and sold. In a world full of free, things begin to collapse and everything begins to cost more than it would had we been charging reasonably from the beginning. If everybody in this world would be just a little more honest, there would be less problems.
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