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Monday, July 30, 2012

Do not buy if you can not afford all the rest....

A friend of mine goes on a date.  It was nothing out of the ordinary except that she is a tall woman with long blond hair and and slender physique, hugely pretty.  She is asked out by this gentleman and they go to a very high end eating establishment.  Before the go in, he tells my friend that he is not  too hungry and that they should share an appetizer.  Hey!  this is how it is, if you can not afford it then you should not be going here.  If you want to be with someone that will elevate your stature, then this want is going to cost you and you should not be thinking about the "how much".  Instead you should be saying, "I am a lucky dog....uh-huh!"

When you close your eyes it all looks and feels the same.  If you want to keep your eyes open than my friend open your wallet and do not be afraid to spend.
We must never forget this great universal saying,  "money talks and bull-shit walks".
You drive a late luxury vehicle and you are dressed to the nine's.  You need to park and instead of pulling into a lot near the venue you have to be, you circle around looking for a cheap or free spot.  The dealer did not tell his customer that when they make a luxury purchase they should get into this mentality.  Luxury items need special pampering and better than usual maintenance.  Cheapskates should be barred from owning or even frequenting in places classified as luxury of exquisite quality.  Every single day I see vehicles being towed because they parked in the wrong spot not to pay for parking.
In the same way a person gets a pet but they do not realize that the pet needs care, love, food water and a bath and cleaning up after.  Everything in life has costs, both fixed and variable.   
Remember if you cannot  afford the upkeep then by the cheaper model.

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