When you work for a big corporation, there many people around you and all of them have characters that are simple easygoing. Others have complicated and overly sensitive personalities. You are at your desk doing the job you were hired for but the are are employees above and below you. The institution you work for has instituted certain policies and certain rules. Each and every employee is to follow and should not be exempt from said rules if it is to thrive in the long run.
Rules are rules! They exist so that there is an order and that every thing and every person does not collide with each other. In a "free market economy", maximum out can be and is allowed ass long as it is done within the realms of the law and the outline set out by the company.
Everywhere you go some one's feelings are hurt or their plans are thrown off course. There is a reason for rules and outlines and policies and plans. The reason is for everyone and everything to coexist without friction. What strikes me as being funny is that those people that make the rules and policies have the distinct notion that they are exempt from them. Examples of this are found in every sector of society.
We example of "do as I say not as I do" in religion (priests involved in cases of abuse both sexual and financial). In civil service some one needs something done and offers or accepts a bribe for special treatment. In hospitals, certain executive elect special treatment because they are in a position of leadership. If their shenanigans are intercepted and by an unknowing lower manager, just following policy the axe falls. This incorrect rules are and should be for everyone and no one should be scorned or prosecuted for following the rules. The whole world is in a mess because certain people follow the laws and other think they should be exempt.
If its good for the Goose it is good for the gander!
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