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Friday, February 24, 2012


Funny food stivers Maxine  cartoon from May 18, 2011Jealousy is a feeling of wanting what other people have, whether it be material things or relationships.   I am the proud father of three boys and have observed that they always complain that I favor one more than the other.  This is positively incorrect  all three boys are equal in my eyes.  Whatever I do for one, I do, or will do to all of them, the same.
Now when they grow upend they go on their own and start earning their own living  my sons have nothing to be jealous of each other for anything.
I remember when they were younger and I would by my boys children's meals at a fast food restaurant.  I would have to make sure that the toy that came with the meal was the same and this would avoid any undo arguments  among them.   "I want what he has" or his toy is better than mine".
Jealousy in society varies and should not be confused with ambition.  Wanting to be successful and prominent in your field of expertise is acceptable.  But saying that you want what the other person has because theirs is the best, is wrong and in many ways twisted.

Wanting to live a good life with whatever is earned in life is normal according to the standards of the society we live in.  To see a person having what you do not have taking what they have is Jealousy and is considered stealing.   If you see something that you like and want something similar, well through hard work you could by one, whatever it may be.  
Constantly wanting could be very draining both financially and mentally.  Financially, people are constantly shopping and have to pay for things.  To have money to pay people must have money or be independently wealthy.  It is mentally stressful  because people are always working to earn money to be able to pay for what they are buying and never giving themselves time to rest or enjoy what they have.  It is also mentally challenging because people are worried about the neighbor and what they have.
It is best to worry about yourself and enjoy what YOU have and do not worry about other people.  With this in mind you will have more time and money to live longer wit less stress.

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