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Monday, March 5, 2012

Women............whatever a man says .

Women are everywhere, they will be nice till things are coming.....Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! All day long.  Men are truly the dumb members of the species.  For a few moments of warmth and companionship  a man is prepared to sell himself short of what he is truly worth.  We as men should get used to the idea of our vulnerability to female flesh.
Most women are aware of their ability to control outcomes of many business decisions if and when sex is introduced to the situation.  When men relax and let their guard down they will most probably be taken advantage of by a woman.  For a man there two types of women, one will help him up in life and the other will destroy him.
The law of large numbers is a sure fire way to find what you want as a man.  but that same law makes a woman into two things a slut or  a well grounded person.  If a person lives their life before they settle down the outcome will last longer than if someone settles with the first person they meet.  The woman that finally settles will more likely agree withe man she settles with.  If the person a woman settles later that person will more often than not, BE CORRECT.
Hickory Dickory Dock in Spanish
In my youth I remember dating a woman that was fourteen years older than me.  She recalled making many mistakes in her life.  She still loved life and apparently loved me.  The lady had a theory that I agreed with then and now.   When boys and girls are born until the age of five boys and girls grow physical and mentally at the same rate.  From the age of six to the age of eighteen girls grow physically at the same speed but the girls grow mentally faster than boys.  Boys grow at even pace through the years and go through the years playing games and spend the time being boys.  Girls become nurturing in this time frame and think of fairy tales and the knight that will one day come and take them.  From the age of eighteen to the age of thirty-two women are relentless in letting go of their idea of the perfect man they want boys meanwhile are busy climbing the corporate ladder and have families.  From thirty-three on women start falling from their high horse and begin adjusting their idea of the perfect mate and start being more reality driven.

Ladies have a different clock of nature than that of gentleman.  If a woman wants to have a baby  naturally, there is a fixed window of opportunity provided by nature. This is called the biological clock.  This phenomenon also has a lot to do with the decisions that a woman makes and how she lives her life.  Many times a woman will appease a man for the sake of there schedule.  Men are are also entrapped because of this clock.  This would be the moment when a woman would say okay to whatever a man says or does.


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