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Friday, March 2, 2012

Pajama Day?!

Pajama Day!I remember when I was a child, there were no so many exciting things going on.  I yearned for there to be a class trip anywhere.  Today children go to school in there pajamas.  No they are not in  their living rooms and studying on their computers, there is an actual Pajama Day made up by the teachers and the children go to school in their bed clothes and read bedtime stories.  The trouble with this idea is that the children are in school all day in their pajamas doing school work going to recess and sports in the same clothes no matter what the weather is outside.  What happens when a child plays in bad weather lightly dressed?  Most likely the child gets sick and later in attentive and then a telephone call from the school nurse that the  child is sick and you as the parent should drop everything and go to the school to pick up  your sick child.  If the child is sick you have to take it to the doctor.  At the pediatrician's, medicine is prescribed  a note is given for the child  to give the school nurse to be allowed to return to school.  Pajama Day, what an unnecessary mess.
I have not seen the teacher or the principal come to school in her nightie.....Oops!  I think that is against the law.  Pajama day as an idea might be good but in school with many children and the weather being cold the germs come running home.  I think it is possible for teachers to just teach the children dressed in regular clothes unless there is a play going on in class and the costumes are pajamas.

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