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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day....

How many babies will be boys and how many girls will be born nine months from today.  The sexual position used will play a great role on the result.  To produce a baby there must be one sperm and one egg.  The eggs produced by the females are all the same.  On the other hand sperm have two types.
The difference in the sperm is there are fast short distance swimmer sperm and slow long distance sperm.  Sperm fertilize eggs to produce embryos.  The sperm that are earmarked to produce girls are the long distance slow swimmers.  The sperm that are the male producing ones swim a short distance and then die. This then leads me to believe that to produce a boy baby the couple having intercourse today will have to choose the sexual position that provides the most direct route to the awaiting egg.  This would be woman on all fours and man entering from behind.  Another position that provides an equally short direct route for the sperm to meet the egg would b e for the woman to be on top of the man.
All other sexual positions are not as effective for producing a boy baby and the possibility of having a girl baby are exponentially greater.
Which ever is the case today above all have fun and be nice!

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