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Friday, January 27, 2012

What is the Best way to a mans Heart? Inquiring minds want to know..

Men and women are the same and different. People in general are the same and have the same basic needs....which are to procreate and and to have sexual relations for pleasure. In addition the need to eat, drink, urinate, and defecate for health. People have feelings and emotions of happiness and sadness, the each have different ways of satisfying them. Men generally are thinkers and pass most of their decision making through their brain. Emotions in a man tend to be more cool and calm. When decisions for life are made with the brain there is more of a tendency for feelings not to be hurt. The outcomes from this way of thinking is less hurtful and longer lasting. Women are usually are full of feelings and they usually let their heart do the thinking. When emotions are processed through the heart judgement and logic is not used and the outcome will go either way. Most of the time decisions of the heart are painful. Men are by nature hunters. To be a good hunter a man has to use his mind in order to return home with a catch worthy of a meal. Women by nature are nurturers offer love and tenderness to the children and returning hunter. Instinctively, females are nurturing...and they are the bearers of children. The females also feed and love and nurture and feed the children by natures design. Many business dealings are usually decided over the course of a meal. The saying a way to a man's heart is through his stomach comes into play because when a man is eating he is usually concentrated on the meal and his heart is left wide open. When the mind is occupied the heart kicks and he then becomes softer and more agreeable.

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