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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Natural, Forceps or C-section delivery.......

Natural, Forceps or C-sections delivery of newborn babies. Natural childbirth is by far the preferred method to bring bad into the world.
When there are complications and natural birth is not feasible there are forceps delivery and C-Section.
Forceps delivery is a method where a medical instrument that look like two salad spoons is inserted in the opening on the mother where the baby is coming out of. This method is safe for the mother but quite traumatic and dangerous to the baby. I was delivered through forceps method. I am alive and a father of three healthy sons but I suffer from hydrocephalus and blind in the left eye. These two gifts were courtesy of the forceps delivery. There are other children who were born this way and are fine. I have met many people that were born through this method and are suffering from a number of ailments. You ask me and I will tell you my mother should have had C Section. I was a perfectly healthy baby while I was in the womb whatever I have came after birth. C Sections do not hurt the baby. A Caesarean birth just just leaves a scar across the mothers lower abdomen. For the mothers that are not vain is perfectly fine especially if the baby is well.
When a couple choose to have a baby, everything until the birth should be about the perfect welfare of the child and nothing else. My parents did not speak English and were young and trusted the doctor to the right thing by them and the new born. My mother was good looking and the the doctor thought he was doing her a favor by doing a forceps delivery. The doctor got what was coming to him, he died of a massive heart attack less than two weeks after my birth.
If you care about the welfare of the new baby coming into your family, a Cesarian birth is my choice because it causes less trauma to the baby. My three sons were born through C Section and they are perfectly fine. When I was born my head was squeezed by the forceps and the optical nerve was damages as well as the creation of hydrocephalus like conditions. The symptoms passed by the age of three by the eye remained permanently dead. At the age of seven Hydrocephalus came back again courtesy of curious and over zealous doctors. I was given a pneumoencephalogram. the precurser to the CT-scan. Too much air in the brain doctors could figure out how to remove the air so back to the shunt. Doctors thank you very much......

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