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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

People.....Everyday they surprise me........

I go to my office every morning Monday to Friday. Every morning I have a visitor. I like to check my emails listen to music. The visitor changes my music and is very edgy with comments. The visitor thinks that they are the only one that is correct.
I must be an easy going person. Sometimes I would rather let things pass. It is all about choosing my battles. All people are basically good it is just that they all come from a different environment an d it takes a while to adjust for me and them.. This leads me back to my dog and cat situation.
I have a pit bull boxer mix that belongs to my son Elias. I also have a kitten that chose me after the fact that I have been leaving food out for it ever chance I get. The dog sits in the back window all day long the cat is on the other side of the same window. These two animals are tolerating each other. The same with people we should all learn from our pets....It seems they have more common sense.
I do not the feeling I get from aggregation for no reason. There are people that like excitement in their lives at the expense of others. Depending on who it is I do not give them the benefit o=r the pleasure at my expense. Pick and choose that is my way.....

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