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Friday, March 30, 2012


My metabolism seems to be riding a freight train, with a big load going very slowly.  I remember when I was younger I could eat a truck load of for and digest it like with ease.  My body has gone through changes with age up and down with weight.  My cousin and I are the same age, sex, and height.  Throughout all our years of growing up he is always eating more than me but never gets fat.  He is always eating and does very little exercise.  I  eat about a quarter of what he eats and move ten time more than he does and weigh about thirty percent more than him.  
Metabolism is the term used to explain the burning of energy by the human body.  
I have to keep my body moving longer to burn more calories to keep my weight down.
Attitude has a lot to do with the size of a person.  It is important to let everyday problems roll off your back and be happy.  Stress makes people fat.  A bad mood triggers a hormone in the body that retains weight and makes people big.  
The hormone is called Leptin it is in the fat cells in the body.  This hormone controls the size of the fat cells depending on diet and mood.  
Usually stress free people have smaller fat cells and the hormone keeps the body in balance. 
The bigger I am for my size the more parts of my body get effected.  My back is strained from the stomach pulling on the spine.  Movement becomes limited and then arthritis comes around.  My cousin is lucky because he loves food and does not gain weight.  Every little morsel I consume goes straight to weight gain.  Want to be healthy then I have to keep moving.  My cousin on the other hand, has his feet up and snacking on whatever he likes.  This is unfair but I still have to keep moving if I want to be healthy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

It is unbelievable....

It is unbelievable everyday every minute someone is looking for an argument.  People just do not leave things alone.  Every move a person makes is scrutinized by someone somewhere.  The more modern the world becomes the more aggressive and stupid it seems.  People wake up everyday thinking that they are living in a free society, well are they fooled.
The Soviet Union and China move from a communist society to a free economy and the countries that are already so-called free economies are inching to more controlling socialistic (communist) ways.  For every one unit of work that is offered by the people the majority of income goes to the government in the form of taxes, interest on taxes and penalties on taxes and more.  It is better to know what is mine from the beginning and kill myself to make and earn and then pay and pay.  It is unbelievable!  It is smarter if we  analyze our budgets and see what we really need.  If we already have something it should not bought  again.
If all you do everyday wake up, go to work come home go to sleep.  In between the wake up and the sleep, we work to pay taxes to the government.  The government in turn spends my hard earned money on certain necessities such as police, healthcare, sanitation, defense, fringe benefits for crooked politicians and everybody else involved.   We live in a society where people are geared into a buy and buy more mentality.  Everyday is something new and  a new tax to cover the budget that yet has to be balanced. Everday some body in the government has thought of a new useless thing to buy for the government and waste money that is not in its accounts. 
Governments today are made up of people that love to spend on credit and this is why their accounts are a mess.  When things are bought on credit without trouble checking to see if the funds are on account trouble shows up.  People buy things they do not need and then throw them out or put them in storage or sell them at auction.  A person has a closet full of shirts but only really wear four or five in any particular season.  Surplus is waste and waste is either trash or sells for an incredible discount.  Discount here and discount there equals to deficit all around.  The only entity that does not suffer from the existence of a discount is the person or company that sells a product or serviced for an already over inflated price.  This is unbelievable that the government buy things like this because of contracts that are signed and they are large enough to cover the crap.  Everyday we all worry to scrounge the funds to pay the bills and especially the taxes.   Everyday the government goes ahead and wastes it on frivolities.  There after the government has the audacity to ask for more.  It is unbelievable because we live in free economy that is getting not to be so free.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Married Men And Two Types of Women.

A man and a woman are searching for companionship and they finally find a suitable match that fits the idea of perfect in their mind.  Whether he settles or she is actually the perfect one for him, he cannot see the mother of his children in a sexually pleasurable or deviant way.  The man resorts to bars and clubs to find what the person he committed to spend his life with, does not do! 
reindeer red nose light cupid sex district animal holiday comicsdream dreaming dreamcatcher catcher sleep sleeping wife husband spouse relationship downside humorIf men and women would stop dreaming  about what they want there would be less deviation and they could do what is on their minds with their partners.  Many a man thinks the woman in his home is for worship only.  There is no fooling around with the mother of their children.  Certain men are brought up to believe that wild promiscuous women are not to be taken home to mom.  He is afraid to carry out his dreams and resorts to the streets, clubs, bars and bordellos.  You ask me, those things should be legal and alright.  There are many things that are taboo and illegal at the same time.  Religion and the law should be separate.  What a man and a woman do behind their closed doors is absolutely nobodies business except the people that are partaking in the adventures.
When the pilgrims came to the new colonies cultivation of hemp was legal and promoted by the crown.  There is even a community called Hempstead on Long Island New York that was full of hemp planted by the settlers  as an industrial crop.  Hemp was used for clothing back then as well as enjoy in their recreational time.   Hemp fabric was sent back to England to be made into clothing 
The government could spend its resources to chase real crimes that would actually make society safe.  Vice crimes should be legalized and taxed.  Married men would then not be considered criminals for being caught with their pants down for wanting what their wives are not offering.
Taxing the petty vices would allow the government raise revenues and control the quality and distribution of services offered.  Collecting tax would allow the government to concentrate on real crime and better education and health care.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Work Relationships Can Be A Double Edged Sword.

Relationships are tricky to begin with so imagine adding employment into the mix.  Everyday you work with many people.  Some people end up forming relationships with the coworkers.  Unfortunately,  many of the relationships formed at work end up in a shamble.  For what ever the reason  relationships at the workplace start off pleasant and sometimes end in drama.  It is best to be cordial to everyone you meet.  All the people we meet are not always on our wavelength, for this reason  we tend to withhold our feelings.

Work should be separate from home.  When we come to work, the environment should conducive to production and peace.  People start talking and tend to show a good friendly personality to others.  There are times when this friendly personality becomes a trap at work.  When a person starts revealing personal information to coworkers a type of friendship is initiated.  The same way a person begins to talk about themselves is the way other people getting comfortable do.   Every so often people become a ball and chain to others when they make their coworker friends their only preoccupation.  People become involved in the choices that others make and critical of them if certain choices made are not in the way they would wish.  I remember reading a bumper sticker that said keep your distance from me as far as you keep from your mother-in-law.  People as well as vehicle need space to breathe.  It is okay to be close but too close sometimes is dangerous.  Every person has their personality and if you are too close problems arise and then not only no more friend but awkward working relationship.
We should realize that the amount of time spent at work is equal to if not more than the time we spend at home.  When we are home there is no communication because of sleeping time.  We get in less trouble while asleep.  At work technically we are awake and conscious.  In this case we would be more susceptible to getting in trouble with things we say or do.  Be careful with what you say or do, you never what other people are thinking of.  You could treading on eggshells.  Certain people become very easily aggravated and the work environment becomes a war zone. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Relax.....Don't be pushy.

     Every person, man or woman have a list of things they want to do in their lives.  Everyone goes about achieving their goals in different ways.  There are people that are always rushing and there are others that take their time when doing things.  
The people that rush to finish or achieve their goals tend to be careless and scare people around them.  Two men walk in to a bar to have a drink and meet some women.  One man approaches the ladies with a "hello my name is ______ would you like a drink".  The other man says, "what a cool pair of shoes you have are they _______? "bartender the lady would like a drink."  Forceful and cool are not the same thing.
pushy cartoons, pushy cartoon, pushy picture, pushy pictures, pushy image, pushy images, pushy illustration, pushy illustrations
Because you want someone or something does not mean that by being forceful you will have the results you want.
Women want to be married in a particular period of time and sometime push themselves on men because of their biological clock.  Men on the other hand get scared from the pushiness and turn away.  Parents have an idea of what their children should be in life and will push their children from all directions to follow a particular predisposed career this many times backfires because the children have something else on their minds.
Imposing your will on people many times backfires and you are left to be alone.  I am the type of person, that when i walk into a store I do not know what I want.  I am approached by a salesperson,  "hello may help I you?"."No! I am just looking."  There are time when I am not looking for anything except to pass the time.   If during this visit i buy anything I will end up returning my purchase for whatever reason.  If I am left alone to look around I will buy more and not have to return it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Speak Up!!!

I have three sons that attend public school in New York.  At my youngest(eight years old) son's parent teacher meeting the teacher is very enthusiastic about his progress.  The teacher commended me for my participation in my children's education.  My boy needs help with reading and now he is in the extra help program called Wilson.  Angelos is in second grade.  He still writes his letters backwards (the b,d,3,E, p and q). Thinking that this might be Dyslexia, I asked the teacher to look into this matter.  I was directed to the principal and then to the superintendent of schools.  Finally, the school psychologist called me to speak about my child and promised to have him evaluated.
I love reading but I often get tired because I can only see through one eye, the right one.  Through all my years of education reading took me longer because I see only through the right eye because of a doctor's mistake when I was born.  The single eye had to work double to see what a normal person with two eyes could see.  
Had my parents known to speak up, I would have gotten extra reading help and perhaps I would be in a different place in life today.  I am satisfied with where I am in life but like Rocky the boxer used to say "I could have been a contender".
There is a strong possibility that there is nothing major going on but if there is, it is better that he gets help early on in his development.  Take a look at the link below to learn a little about Dyslexia.
E or 3?, b or d?, p or q?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Look At Yourself...

Look at yourself before you become critical about everybody else.  In the "see something say something" world everybody is becoming a rat.  Before you become a judge and jury make sure that your affairs are in order.  Remember "do onto others as others do onto you".  Be a good human being.  Mind your family and your house and business.  Do not worry about the other persons business unless is has something to do with you.
If you are not beating your wife and children or murdering anyone  what you do is your own business and not the neighbors.  Everybody is born in to this world alone and should  be left alone unless there is a request for assistance.  People like to be with others for companionship or for attention.  True friends do not tell on friends to push themselves ahead.
You are in a public place reading a newspaper and somebody next to you also reading something,  leans over to see what you are looking at.
I own my own business.  Everyday I open the business and stay at the office trying to earn an honest living.  Everyday someone tries to infringe on my business space for one reason or another and squeeze out something for free.  Every day some calls the authorities for one reason or another.  People care about my business and they are not my family or my customers.  They are of the mentality, "why him and not me".  Those people do not really care to work just simply that I should not be better than them.  My middle finger is extended to them and I say leave me alone! Mind your business and I do not care what you do or if you are ahead or behind me!  Just do not interfere with me, my family or my business.  We return to the old adage "good fences make god neighbors" meaning there are no arguments if everybody knows their place.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Paranoia....Sweet Destroyer!

The world of see something say something is in effect today once again.  J.Edgar Hoover was a great American Hero that grew from nothing to become the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, America's almighty police department.  Joseph R. McCarthy was a Republican senator in office during the height of the cold war in the 1950's.  These two men created a country where every person looked at each other for fault.
Civil rights and birth given rights are the basic premise of America.  With all it's problems, the United States is the best place to live and work.  Security and freedoms with in the boundaries of rules and laws allows the citizens to coexist peacefully.
It does not matter who or what you are or where you come from you allowed to live and work in this country.  Religion age or sexual orientation have nothing to do with you being a descent Human.
photoFear is a great motivator among people.  Almost twenty years ago I was held up a gunpoint.  I was not physically harmed but I will never forget the ruin in my nose.  Al that was taken was a few hundred dollars and my Rolex watch and some jewelry.  At that moment "see something say something", did not work.  A few days after my holdup the criminal was captured.  He held up a few more places.  The surveillance videos from the other businesses showed his picture and it was matched with the police database.  People make mistakes and sometimes do not see everything.  Cameras on the other hand cameras never sleep and see everything that is in their line of sight.
Living in a safe and secure society is what make America the best place to live.  Having cameras in my office and in the surrounding street is the right way to curtail criminals.  The use of cameras to deter criminal activity reduces the risk of the suspect getting of the hook by the legal system because pictures do not lie.  Always on always watching.  Cameras are discreet and if placed strategically do not violate civil rights.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sleep...Government is on top of things.

Everyday one person is trying to get over on another.  This economy is so disorganized that people are always thinking of ways to reduce their expenses.  The worlds governments have grown so big that half the population is the government and the other half are the people the being watched by it.
The government wants a businesses to pay tax and tariffs for various services offered by it.  Businesses try their best to run honestly but every moment of everyday somebody is trying to rob or steal from a business  under the premise that they are trying to survive.
Before you decide to be a "rat" and/or a so called "whistle blower" be sure that you also have your affairs in order.  The government and all it's employees are out to get people in any way they can.  Relax and go to sleep the government is there for you as well as out for you.  If you are going to be telling on other be aware that just in the same way someone else might tell on you.
Years ago organized crime would have their hands in every business.  With the advent of the Internet government slowly pushed out the criminals and took over their operations and in many ways are the legal organization doing the same things.  The only thing the government does not do is break people's legs.  When someone makes a financial mistake against the government the interprets rate and penalties calculated to make reparations many times are higher than those charged by the "mob".  This make a person wonder what is the difference between organized crime and the government.  You cannot run from the government.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Everybody makes mistakes in their lives.

Mistakes happen and people learn. I remember my parents telling me to be careful as I was growing up. "Louis be careful watch out."  "Do as I say not as I do".  Everybody wants to make their own mistakes.  What they do not realize is that mistakes are lessons of life but they first take them back and then move forward.  History repeats itself.  People ignore history and continually fall behind.
We all want to be our own person and think the result will be different for us.  Of course the outcome is the same for something that started in the same way.  Everybody has a dream of what they want to do in their life but when the choice is wrong the outcome going to be bad.
Sometimes people over extend themselves tremendously that they see life as being bleak and not worth it. This is incorrect lie is good no matter how down you are.  Every day you have to wake up and take a deep breath and start the process of positive thinking.  Do not allow your feelings to overcome your ability to be rational.  Every part of life needs a plan or two.  Every time I fall it is not the end of the world unless I am actually dead.
Health is a key factor in all the sections of life.  I have the ability to recover from pretty much anything provided my health is in good shape and my mind can think thing out.  A healthy mind is the key to all good resolutions in life.            

Friday, March 16, 2012

What's the point.....relax

Run here, there and everywhere everyday and do whatever is necessary for living.  Work is a reason to run to make a living to support the needs of life.  Work for pay is the norm of the world.  people do not always live and work in the same place and so the need to commute to and from home.  If people have children they also have to the there children to all there necessities.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Listen and you might hear what I have to say.  In the world there is talking coming from everywhere but no one person is listening.   Listening is vital to resolution of disputes between people.  There is always three sides to the truth.  In order to arrive to the conclusion a person must be able to listen and analyze the respective versions presented.
selective hearing cartoons, selective hearing cartoon, selective hearing picture, selective hearing pictures, selective hearing image, selective hearing images, selective hearing illustration, selective hearing illustrations
Many times people tend to hear what they want and this phenomena leads to misunderstandings.  The secret to a happy life is good listening skills. 
What did you say?
I am listening!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If You Are Looking For An Argument Stay Home!!!

Everyday I wake up an go to work.  I feel wonderful that I have once again awaken healthy.  My home has all the modern conveniences to allow me to live and work peacefully.
There is no argument....A man's home is his castle.

I could never understand why people wake up with a mood that is worse than the most stuffed up toilet.  Every word that comes out of their mouth is crass.  Trying to be one-up on another person does not make anyone better than another.  The saying "you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" is absolutely correct.  When a person tries to make their point with the use of shouting usually I walk away and let them alone.  My sanity and self respect are much valuable  than to try and make an irate person understand.  "Silence is golden".
The advent of the computer and the internet allows a person to stay home and avoid all the idiosyncrasies of people looking to ruin the balance of life.  We can live and work from within our castle walls and avoid the risk of running into people that absorbed by the world of :
  • run to work
  • run to the customers
  • run home
  • run to rest
All this daily fast pace makes people grumpy and unnecessarily rude to one another.  In the end poof!  We die....  The answer is relax understand that there will be people you do not want to deal with.  The choice is either stay behind the security of your castle walls or learn to breathe deeply and allow the bad karma emitted by the negative behaving people to roll off your back.
The way the world is going, every person has their  load of responsibilities to take care of.  Involving oneself in an argument many time makes the rest of the day go to the garbage pile.   The less time that is wasted sorting people or things that make our life miserable the better we feel.  We should be thankful that we are alive and well and learn to ignore negativity because if all we do is run the re is no joy just running.  That is another topic for people that actually enjoy running endlessly like hamsters on a mill. 
The moment I step out of the security of my castle, the adventure begins.  Nothing is guaranteed in life and therefore being cool, calm and collected allows a person to go through the day with as little mental and physical damage as possible.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The world of today is so complicated.  The population of the world is bursting at almost seven billion people.  All these personalities many times clash.  If everybody would mind there own business when it comes to non-criminal affairs life would be less complicated.
Every person I meet cares only for themselves and that's it!  Wait a minute! I should have to pay taxes and license fees to run a business and people are allowed to block me from trying to earn an honest living.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Flip-Flops are for wearing Not for personalities....

Every now and then I run into people and say hello!  Other times I see the same people and and they do not offer the same enthusiastic greeting.  I do not know what could be wrong  but with me If I am going to say hello today, I going to greet you the same way all the time.  Every day I wake up is a blessing and I am a happy person.
I am perplexed as to why people are courteous to some people and not to others.  Living in the world full of problems people have there minds in many different places.  Courtesy should have nothing to do with problems.  I can not be in everyone's mind to tell them to be nice.  If you see me today and say hello that is good but you see me again tomorrow you should exert the same greeting regardless of all the other things going on.
I AM HAPPY................I AM SAD.........
Flip-flop personalities have no place in everyday living.  I know who I am  and I have not changed since i can remember.  The problem is with people that one minute they say yes and then they no.  Flip-flops are for feet not for personalities.
Sad....Happy.....I know you....I don't know you.....Love...Hate...Lust....Disgust...Yummy....Yucky....
Know what you want, I do life is too short for pettiness.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Education.................As Necessary As Bread, Water and Air....

Everywhere I turn someone is trying to convey a message.
Usually in writing or video or verbal.

My handwriting is by far, much better after graduation.....

I consider myself a sort of Jack of all trades.  Ever since I can remember  my mother would say "bring me the paper and then do what you want".   Let me tell you she was not and is not wrong.  The possession of an education has allowed me to live an easier life.  I still have to work but things are easier and more thought out than if I did not go to university.  In the generations before me, if a person wanted work for the sanitation department they could get a job right after high school or with the equivalent.  Today if a person wants that same job the need to have completed two years of university in addition to their high school diploma.
uneducated cartoons, uneducated cartoon, uneducated picture, uneducated pictures, uneducated image, uneducated images, uneducated illustration, uneducated illustrations Even if there is to be a revolution, messages would be understood only if literate people wrote them.  A prime example of a literate revolution was that of Czechoslovakia that took place in late 1989.  It was initiated by university students and toppled the communist regime without the spill of blood.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stop Dreaming And Read Between The Lines...

Everyday the media is feeding us lots of news and plenty of garbage.  There is so much going on in the world that it is hard for everybody to keep up with the truth.  Humans are the superior species of all the animals.  With this information in mind they have the ability to create and destroy ally the time.  They also are able to think and decide and have emotions.
Everyday in the news we read the economy is up or is in up or going down or moved by some crazy fraction of a percentage either way.  Wake up!  The information age is the over information age.  There is so much put out every second about every possible subject that we are loosing track of what is real. 
Almost back-XXX
Approaching black-XXX
Very close to black-XXX
Almost approaching black-XXX
Not quite black-XXX
Not so close to black-XXX
Distantly close to black-XXX
Almost grey-XXX
Not Yet Grey-XXX
Almost White-XXX
Off white -XXX
Egg shell-XXX
The spectrum between black and white is very wide as is the division of true and false.  I remember winning a case in court a while back.  The judge turned to the defendant and and said "Sir, I do not want to call you a liar but you are not telling the truth!"  Just the same way the world of information is just an expression of a point of view and not necessarily it.  In formation most of the time is an expression of a point of view by the source doing the conveyance of a particular message.
To get the actual truth out of whatever is being printed or broadcast you have listen, read, and decide for your self.
Square Question Clip Art

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Worry about yourself before you look at your neighbor!

In life we are not alone.  Just like on the highway every action we take causes a reaction with the other people around us.  There are nearly seven billion people living on this earth and each person has a different personality and needs.  Nobody likes to be stressed with extra work.  Life is full of responsibilities like home, spouse, children, automobile and pet.
The burden of extra work for nothing is not wanted.  People and companies are constantly explaining what they will or not do for their time. Contracts and agreements are drawn up everyday to prevent misunderstanding and to outline responsibility for all parties involved.
Courts are also instituted to referee and rule on the validity of the various agreements. Lawyers and judges and juries are also involved in the extent of different agreements.
Men and women make agreements every moment of every day make agreements for a variety of things.  Initially the both say yes, later the woman reneges and the answer is no.  Now the man is left in the middle, with a dilemma "what to do?" If he goes with premonition of the answer being "yes", he is in for trouble.  On the other hand, if the man follows his routine with the answer possibly being "no", he is still in a hole  because she wants it that way.
All the Holy books in one way or another say that you should "do on to others as they do on to you" or "an eye for an eye".   We are all different and the same and our actions and reactions are equally different.  We should all be mindful of others and think before we act  on someone else's reaction.  Many times misunderstandings arise because we do not take a moment to think things out.  The results would much better for all involved if we all take second and think a moment.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Portions so small.....Calories over the top....

Everywhere I turn there is food. Small, big, sweet, savory, tart or hot,  food is abundantly available.  People have to be on alert all the time to avoid over consuming.  We live in a world we eat, drink and gain weight and then we exercise and diet to lose weight.
The world today is a consumer society.  Every minute something is offered to tempt people to purchase.  Two major tools for sales are sex and food and many times they are intertwined.  Food brings people together and now the loss of weight does the same thing.  Eating is necessity of life but should be done within moderation.  I go to eat in a restaurant and choose appetizers thinking that the calories are minimal. It is hare to believe that a small portion of something could be packed with enough calories to cover a complete days eating allowance.  Looking at what these little tidbits are made of the list reads butter, cheese, oil, lard, milk, eggs, sugar, and plenty of salt.  With the consumption of canapés there are beverages wine, beer and champagne more calories.  Show me to the gym!  I need to work off the meal!

I love food but it hates me.  Looking at what and the amount of food I eat and could honestly say that is nothing in comparison to what my cousin Angelos eats.  My cousin and I are the same age and height but he eats nonstop and large meals but his metabolism just incinerates everything.
I must be loosing weight... 

Everyday in life is like being on a yo-yo,  I eat and the scale goes up and I diet for it to go down.   Eating for many animals is just part of life and is done just to stay alive.  Humans use food as a form of socializing.  The kitchen is usually where most families gather all day whether it is to eat or just lounge around or conduct meetings for business.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Women............whatever a man says .

Women are everywhere, they will be nice till things are coming.....Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! All day long.  Men are truly the dumb members of the species.  For a few moments of warmth and companionship  a man is prepared to sell himself short of what he is truly worth.  We as men should get used to the idea of our vulnerability to female flesh.
Most women are aware of their ability to control outcomes of many business decisions if and when sex is introduced to the situation.  When men relax and let their guard down they will most probably be taken advantage of by a woman.  For a man there two types of women, one will help him up in life and the other will destroy him.
The law of large numbers is a sure fire way to find what you want as a man.  but that same law makes a woman into two things a slut or  a well grounded person.  If a person lives their life before they settle down the outcome will last longer than if someone settles with the first person they meet.  The woman that finally settles will more likely agree withe man she settles with.  If the person a woman settles later that person will more often than not, BE CORRECT.
Hickory Dickory Dock in Spanish
In my youth I remember dating a woman that was fourteen years older than me.  She recalled making many mistakes in her life.  She still loved life and apparently loved me.  The lady had a theory that I agreed with then and now.   When boys and girls are born until the age of five boys and girls grow physical and mentally at the same rate.  From the age of six to the age of eighteen girls grow physically at the same speed but the girls grow mentally faster than boys.  Boys grow at even pace through the years and go through the years playing games and spend the time being boys.  Girls become nurturing in this time frame and think of fairy tales and the knight that will one day come and take them.  From the age of eighteen to the age of thirty-two women are relentless in letting go of their idea of the perfect man they want boys meanwhile are busy climbing the corporate ladder and have families.  From thirty-three on women start falling from their high horse and begin adjusting their idea of the perfect mate and start being more reality driven.

Ladies have a different clock of nature than that of gentleman.  If a woman wants to have a baby  naturally, there is a fixed window of opportunity provided by nature. This is called the biological clock.  This phenomenon also has a lot to do with the decisions that a woman makes and how she lives her life.  Many times a woman will appease a man for the sake of there schedule.  Men are are also entrapped because of this clock.  This would be the moment when a woman would say okay to whatever a man says or does.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Pajama Day?!

Pajama Day!I remember when I was a child, there were no so many exciting things going on.  I yearned for there to be a class trip anywhere.  Today children go to school in there pajamas.  No they are not in  their living rooms and studying on their computers, there is an actual Pajama Day made up by the teachers and the children go to school in their bed clothes and read bedtime stories.  The trouble with this idea is that the children are in school all day in their pajamas doing school work going to recess and sports in the same clothes no matter what the weather is outside.  What happens when a child plays in bad weather lightly dressed?  Most likely the child gets sick and later in attentive and then a telephone call from the school nurse that the  child is sick and you as the parent should drop everything and go to the school to pick up  your sick child.  If the child is sick you have to take it to the doctor.  At the pediatrician's, medicine is prescribed  a note is given for the child  to give the school nurse to be allowed to return to school.  Pajama Day, what an unnecessary mess.
I have not seen the teacher or the principal come to school in her nightie.....Oops!  I think that is against the law.  Pajama day as an idea might be good but in school with many children and the weather being cold the germs come running home.  I think it is possible for teachers to just teach the children dressed in regular clothes unless there is a play going on in class and the costumes are pajamas.

Stop Buying If You Cannot afford It...

The  squirrel is another mammal that like to have and store more than it needs.  This animal also puts nuts in  its mouth even though it is full and chewing.  This animal is constantly chewing yet it is pretty lean for all that eating.  People go to buffets and become like squirrels, gobbling everything in sight even though the can only a small amount. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Meow-Meow and Dino...

Meow-Meow is cat that lives in my back yard and Dino is a dog that is my sons pet.  When my front door is open the cat comes into the house and the dog does nothing except wag his tail.  What a nice friendship an example for people to follow.  People are not the same they give love and attention with conditions.  Dogs and cats just want to be and if there is a little food and shelter that is an added plus.

Multicolored Dog And Cat Silhouettes Clip ArtMulticolored Dog And Cat Silhouettes Clip Art