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Thursday, May 10, 2012


When a person states one statement to a particular person or group and in the same instance with reference to the same subject, expresses a totally opposite opinion or statement, they are two-faced.   As the world grows and the workplace environments get larger and the likes and dislikes of the employees can vary infinitely.  The world economy began through the small business but as population grows and through free economy attrition, the "mom and pop" businesses are being edged out.  Most all people become cut-throat and selfish and do what they need to do to survive with sentiment for their fellow human.  In the name of survival people many times speak from both ends of their mouth.
With the idea, that "you have to look after number one",  every person is looking after themselves and making sure that they are secure in their place (work or society).  In a way being selfish is O.K., but to an extent that it does not do tremendous harm to other people.
When people are say one thing to you and say something else to others, they are "two-faced".   When business do similar things that is called business strategy,in the free economy and that the "buyer beware".  When countries say one thing and do another, there are repercussions  (political and economic).  To avoid being two-faced people first have to calm down and second set a calculated plan that would displaced the least number of people and will do the maximum amount of good.
Wars are started because one country begins something that will benefit mostly one side.  Mean while any treaties or agreements the were long agreed up, are breached.
It is perfectly fine to get your agenda completed, as long as you are open with your plans and do not have any intention of deceit.   When you try to get something done by telling  tales this is when the misunderstandings start.  In a perfect world every person would get what they want without impeding anyone else's space (physical or mental).  
What a world it would be, where yes is yes and no is no....perfect.

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