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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Money's Worth.......

Value of minimum wage in 10 highest cost of living areas
As the economy grows and the population follows, the cost for goods and services tends in crease as well.  Everybody has a budget to use for purchases of goods and services, that will make their life more comfortable.  In the capitalist free-enterprise economy that we are in increase demand leads to increase in prices for goods and services.  As prices increase people are trying to make due with what they are bringing in as pay for their labor.

The more that a company charges for its goods and services, the better the valuation of its stock.  The hypocrisy of the situation is , the same people that want value for their money want their share of the economy to be huge.  When my mother first started sending me to the supermarket for household shopping, she would give me twenty dollars her shopping list and her shopping carriage bring everything home.  At that time I was about seven years old.  For the money I was given the carriage came home full four to five big bags full.  I remember my mother saying that the coin change is mine to keep.  If I am to receive two dollars back, I would tell the cashier to give it to me in coins.  Getting to keep two dollars back in the 1970's meant that I had quite a bit of spending money for myself.  In the early 1970 a slice of pizza was five cents.  Today a the same slice goes for three dollars.  Sure you can buy a slice for a dollar but it is not quality.
For that same shopping that I did with twenty dollars, today I need almost two hundred dollars.
At the decade going back to the 1970 a person could purchase a vehicle less than five thousand dollars.  Gasoline was less than fifty cents a gallon.  Today a similar vehicle goes for about twenty two thousand dollars and gasoline is four dollars a gallon.  Minimum wage at that same time was $1.70 per hour.  Today for the same hour of work minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.  
The price of milk and that gasoline are about the same.  A gallon of milk is almost four dollars a gallon.  What is a family to do feed the family or feed the car?  To feed the family you have to feed the car.  The family vehicle is considered to also be a member of the family.  To operate a vehicle today, it is not only gas and go.  A car, does need fuel but it also need service and insurance.  Today to use a car a driver has to also consider many more tolls and cameras that issue tickets in the mail, more parking regulations and and traffic rules that add to the cost of use and ownership.
Think!  Are we getting our money's worth?  The simpler things are the more they cost. 

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