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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Make a Decisions Already....

Life is full of decisions and options.  What to do and what to say.  As humans we have a limited timeline where we can make effective decision and be able to enjoy the results.  When my parents were young, my father was into trying different businesses in order to make a better life for himself and his family.  My mother on the other hand was comfortable with living in one house with her husband and her son.  My mother loved children and wanted many.  My father loved children as well but loved and still loves himself more was satisfied with just having the one son.
When I got married and had my three sons, my mother was very happy and eager to help in the raising of my boys.  My father was also excited the he became a grandfather and would tell my mother that they should have had more children.  This comment would annoy mom and she would answer him, "You did not want them when I had them when we were young and now it is too late.""Just enjoy your grand children".
Her point was that everything in life has a time.  People should do thing in their time.  Doing things in other periods will not have the same results.  Being a parent is not for very late in life.  Just because you can physically have a baby at sixty three, does not guarantee that you will around to see the child grow up.  Most of the fun in having a child is to see it grow up.  If you are older and a baby come in your life, it is a blessing but you as a parent might not be around to see all the important things that will happen in it's life.  Who would want to push a baby carriage when they are ready for the wheelchair themselves?  
Not me!

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