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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fight for your rights!!!

The world of today is overpopulated and over produced.  Everyone is competing for the limited number of spaces, whether they be for work or school or housing.  With every new generation coming of age two or three older generations are displaced.  The problem is that they are left with out a spot way before it is time for them to change.  
People go to school and university.  Later they land a job,(for some it is a dream job) and devote their time and energy all the way.  Due the maximization of resources in business, when there is over production, the line stops and people suffer.  Layoff's buyouts and firings are a form of correcting the economy but with these actions being implemented people suffer.  In an economy that is in its infancy, planning is much simpler and mistakes are absorbed much easier.  In an economy that is very intertwined with economies any move be it larger or small needs more thought.  
In the case where people become displaced negotiations for their rights become more delicate and if those being on the loosing end should stand their ground, otherwise, they will be left without a venerable compensation.
Every moment of every day is a negotiation and many times a struggle for a person to achieve what they want.  Whether we are in a capitalist system or a communist system people need to be busy producing.  Unfortunately the comes a point in both system that there is over production and people need to be redirected.  The bad thing about retraining people is that many times it happens at in opportune times.
Even though we live in a free society, 
ironically nothing comes free or easy.  

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